Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Just in case your Latin is a bit rusty I’ll give you a hint. “Pro bono publico” means ‘for the public good’. “Pro Bon Dives” is a Latin expression I coined for this Blog to mean ‘for the good of the rich’, which is an apt title for this story.
My pro bono experiences date back to my college days when I spent several afternoons a week at a church in an underprivileged area teaching basketball to a group of youngsters. I don’t know if any of them made it to the NBA, and in case any of them did and happen to read this Blog I’d like to hear from them. Maybe they can get me a few tickets to a game.
I also spent a summer working at a church in Harlem helping out with a variety of tasks for residents of the area.
     I also spent a summer as an intern at a Home for Delinquent Children located in Hawthorn NY. There weren't any gates on the property and one of the young girls ran away and called me to meet her in Times Square. I can't remember if I was able to talk her into returning to the Home. I hope so.
When I was in my 40’s I started up an afternoon “Homework Help” program for youngsters located in a Housing Development in lower Manhattan. I hooked up with students at nearby Pace College who worked with the children several days a week.
One of my pro bono efforts ended on a bittersweet note because the Hamilton Madison House Credit Union that I established in the Housing Development was successful in getting people to deposit their savings with us but not too many of the people to whom the Credit Union made loans repaid them - - - and the Credit Union went bankrupt. I invented “sub-prime” loans and Uncle Sam had to make up the difference

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