Thursday, February 28, 2013


     My name is not listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the "World's Worst Contemporary Artist", but it should be - - - and I have the rejection letters to prove it. In my 16 year span (1989-2005) as a contemporary artist working out of an 8,400 square foot studio/gallery in Boca Raton I produced perhaps 100 large-scale installations that met with world-wide disapproval resulting in my having received over 450 rejection letters from museum directors and curators, art collectors, art critics and gallery owners.
     For some reason I saved all of these negative missives and by happenstance decided to frame them all and build a giant monument to failure. To view a video of this installation plerase click on the link below and then click on the box"Rejection Letters"

First please click on the link below:

This video was taken at my show at the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Art. Subsequently the installation was shown at another Florida museum and then at a one-man show at O K Harris in New York.

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