Friday, April 26, 2013


          My wife, Judy, has always been on the side of, and supporter of, the underprivileged since I’ve known her (48 years).  She has given her time and money to assist charities and individuals in need. Judy has helped raise substantial funds through galas and events for The Retinitis Foundation, The Wellness Community, The Lymphoma Research Foundation and the Boca Raton Museum of Art.
In addition she has provided loans to many people who come to her for financial assistance.
         But now she has done something on her own which I give her much credit for since she did everything by herself. Judy has visited me often in the Chemotherapy Treatment Room at The Lynn Cancer Center. It is a depressing venue to see rows of people hooked up to intravenous machines lying in the chairs for 4-6 hours a day.
She decided to try and do something to make the patients’ day a bit brighter by trying to provide lunch for those undergoing treatment. There’s a Publix a few blocks away and she decided to see if she could purchase sandwiches and have them delivered by Publix. I assured her that Publix doesn’t deliver. 
But through her persistence and the good graces of the manager of that store, Lee Mohler, regular deliveries have started and the patients have really appreciated the lunchtime sandwiches. The nurses on duty in the Treatment Room have told me how much this little kindness means to the patients.
It’s not a big deal, but it shows her character and that of the hundred of thousands of people who contribute in their own very personal way to those less fortunate.

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