Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kittles passes

“Kittles”, a 16 year-old orange cat, passed away at The Calusa Animal Hospital in Boca Raton, Fl after a brief illness. Beloved family member to Judy and Earl Bronsteen. Kittles was an outdoor cat who spent his days roaming the neighborhood, but who came home for meals and to sleep. No cat ever had it so good, but Kittles deserved it.
The Bronsteens inherited the cat 11 years ago from their neighbors, the Fergusons, and took him to their new home a few miles away. Kittles was extremely friendly, didn’t bite and loved to be petted by anyone. He was a good friend to their Jack Russell terrier (deceased) and to Helene Brody, a neighbor, but was completely ignored by another cat who joined the Bronsteen’s household years later.
Kittles was affectionately referred to as “Dumb Kitty” because of two incidents. At one stage in his life he developed a penchant for climbing a tree to get onto the roof - - - and was he up the roof without a way to get down. Each time this occurred the family would have to get out a ladder and gloves and try to rescue the frightened animal. The other reason for the nickname was due to the happenings when the Bronsteens moved to another home about a mile or so away.  Dumb Kitty couldn’t accept the new environment as his new home and every few days would return to the streets around his former home. He would be recaptured, returned and run away for a period of several months before he came to accept his new surroundings. 
Kittles will be sorely missed by all those who came into contact with him.

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