Friday, November 16, 2012


    For those of you too young to know what life is like when you start drawing Social Security and become forgetful, I'll list of few of my Senior Moments as they occur. Yesterday I had to go to the bank because Judy was leaving for New York the next morning. 
    I wasn't up to the trip but I was delegated to get some cash  for her trip.
    I drove to the bank and was surprised that there were so few cars parked outside. The sign on the front door of our branch announced that it was closed because of Veterans Day. No need to worry, the vestibule was open with two gleaming automated teller machines. However, neither machine would recognize my password, which I have used for some 20 years. After four unsuccessful tries I happened to notice that I had another card in my wallet, and presto it worked. I felt very satisfied with myself as I pocketed the loot and returned to the car to fulfill my second mission of the day - - - to mail three packages at the post office.
     It was a few miles down Military Trail to the post office and as I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a little old lady peering quizzically at a sign in the window.

     You guessed it, the goddam post office was also closed.
     I wondered if I should offer the little old lady a lift to the bank.

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