Friday, November 9, 2012


     Anyone who watches TV is familiar with the ads of Joseph A. Banks, the men's clothier, who seemingly offers you the shirt off his back when his advertisements proclaim:
                   "BUY ONE, GET THREE FREE!"
    How can he do it and stay in business? Well you needn't worry about poor Joseph  because I checked out his company's financial statements and believe or not he makes an unbelievable gross profit on sales of 60%. That means for a suit they sell for say $800, they make a gross profit of $480 - - - even after throwing in the kitchen sink.
     It reminds me of the days when I saw a man go into the fitting room at Sym's and put one suit on atop another and then walk blithely out of the store. Maybe he worked for Banks and that's how they get their clothes so cheaply, and why Syms went out of business.
      I feel sorry for the poor soul who goes into his stores on the days when they are not having a sale.

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