Sunday, November 18, 2012


    Well that didn't take too long. Just a day or two after writing about my misadventures on Memorial Day I received a phone call this morning from a very good friend, Sylvia Robinson who is Don the photographer's wife, calling to ask how I was feeling. I considered that a very thoughtful act, since she knew I was home alone with Judy being away for a few days.
   Then the ax fell. Sylvia wondered why I hadn't shown up last night for their wedding anniversary party. I was dumbstruck. I hadn't written down the date and I was so embarrassed to have missed sharing this very important anniversary with them. I also felt badly because I had eaten a a frozen chicken pot pie for dinner - - - Mrs. Paul you should be ashamed of yourself, there is supposed to be chicken in the pot pie not just in the picture on the box.
     I asked Sylvia what they had had for dinner and listened as she rolled off a list of entrees of my favorite dishes - - - and the food at their club is the best in town.
      I wonder if  I should tell Judy.

     I wonder if Emily Post would say that I still have to reciprocate, even if I didn't attend.

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