Monday, November 5, 2012


    I met Lynn Goldsmith about a dozen years ago in Florida when she was visiting her aunt and uncle, David and Gloria Leader. I admired her photography and she admired my art, so how could we not become friends.                                     
     Her career as a photographer has zoomed in the interim and her imagery is in numerous collections: The Smithsonian, The Polaroid 
Collection, The Kodak Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, The Chicago Museum of 
Contemporary Photography, and the Museum Folkwang.
     Lynn's portrait photographs have appeared on and between the covers of just about every major magazine. 
Her subjects have varied from entertainment personalities to sports stars, from film directors to 
authors, from the extra-ordinary to the ordinary man on the street. Her forty years of photography
 have not only been an investigation into the nature of the human spirit, but also into the 
natural wonders of our planet.
     While Lynn is best known for her photographs of luminaries of the music world I’ve also included some of her travel photographs for your viewing pleasure. 

     You can see more at her website: 
    (If you buy one of her wonderful books I might even get a commission.)

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