Monday, December 10, 2012


      I’ve always wanted to use the word ‘peripatetic’ since I first heard the word in college some 70 years ago, but I’ve never had the opportunity before. My friend, artist Robin Brisker, is a prime example of someone who travels a lot following his artistic bent. He has set up a studio or exhibited in 10 different countries and 4 different cities in the U.S. (And that’s after attending 12 different schools in 12 years while he was growing up.)
    He spent most of the past 10 years working in New Zealand but in April 2012 opened a studio in Delray Beach, Florida. I’m not sure where he’ll be by the time I finish this article so I suggest you hurry up to see his studio at Artists Alley, 350 N.E. 4th St., Delray Beach,FL

(310) 595-4304. Then again don’t worry if you don’t live close enough to visit his studio he’ll probably be in your city or country in the not too distant future.
Robin describes his painting style as spanning from a strong Braque/ Picasso cubist influence to the whimsical feel of Calder and Klee. 
Kurt Schwitters was his collage inspiration.
    His work has been collected by Miles Davis, Madonna, Jamie Wyeth, Amy Irving, and artist's Dan Rizzie and Tony Fitzpatrick.
    And he’s a first class tennis player. That I can vouch for first hand.
    You can check out his work at his website:  Here are some examples of his work:

Work Desk

Balancing Act

Traffic in L.A.
Les Halles



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