Saturday, October 27, 2012


     At long last someone in our family has gotten his or her name in the newspapers and it wasn’t on the Obit page or the Crime page. Nina Nestor, Judy’s older sister, wrote a letter to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times and it sparked a front-page story about CVS and it’s history of overbilling Medicaid (some $80 million and counting).
       Here’s how the front-page story started:

“Retired social worker Nina Nestor got an all-too-familiar phone call last week: Her prescription refill was ready at her CVS store in San Clemente. Trouble is, the 83-year-old cancer patient didn't ask for the refill or numerous others that CVS pharmacists filled this year without her permission. "The pharmacist told me after two weeks they put it back in stock and reverse the billing," Nestor said. "But I wonder about that."

      She wonders, and rightly so based on CVS’s track record, what’s going on and whether the pharmacy does in fact cancel the billing or perhaps CVS gets the use of the Government’s money during the interval.
      If you want to read the rest of the story go to:
If you want Nina’s autograph please let me know.

     I've arranged with CVS to provide all my readers with a Gift Coupon. Just print this out and take it to your nearest store. If you have any trouble using this coupon just show this Blog to the manager.

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