Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden vs. Ryan

      The National Hockey League may be on strike but millions of TV viewers got to “enjoy” one popular aspect of hockey last night during the Vice-presidential debate when the Democrats sent out their enforcer (Big, Bad, Biden) to attempt to manhandle Paul Ryan in retaliation for the way Governor Romney ‘crashed President Obama into the boards’ in their first debate. Using smirks, laughs, caustic comments, interruptions and throwing his hands up in the air 
instead of swinging his fists at Representative Paul, Smiling Joe attempted to crush his opponent during their 90-minute fight. The referee (Marta Raddatz) let them duke it out and did a much better job than the ‘replacement’ referee on the first debate.
Whether or not Biden succeeded is in the eyes of the beholder, and whether President Obama will be able to get up from the ice after the pummeling he took from the Governor will be interesting to see. Stay tuned for the second period next week.

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