Tuesday, October 16, 2012


      Here are my tips to President Obama and Governor Romney to insure their victory at their second debate tonight.

For the incumbent:
      Drink a large glass of Red Bull before the debate. 
      Don’t use the word “trillion”. Viewer’s eyes start to glaze over when they hear this word. It has no relevance. If you want to claim that the Governor’s tax plan will cost the Government $6 trillion, instead say his tax plan will cost even more than Romney earned last year.
      Announce that the statistician in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, who oversaw the number crunching that resulted in the unemployment rate dropping to 7.8% in the latest report, will become Secretary of Treasury.
  For the challenger:
      Don’t change a thing. Don’t be specific.
   However, if things get testy, make an offer to personally buy back China’s holdings of US debt.
     Announce that, if elected,
                1. Sherman Adelson will become Secretary of State.
      2. Jack Welch will become Press Secretary.

     After the debate, have your family rush up onto the stage and douse you with a large bucket of Gatorade.

      May the better man win! 

Promotional consideration has been received from Red Bull & Gatorade. Bottoms Up. 

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