Monday, October 8, 2012


Shawn, our Blogging instructor, told the class that it is best to Blog about a subject you know very well. That left me in a quandary. Outside of Contemporary Art, on which I’ve written two books telling all I know about this field, there isn’t any topic that I know enough about to fill up two paragraphs.  I’m not even a Jack-of-all-trades. But I do have some very strong opinions about matters that I know very little about and my Blog Posts will feature my rants and raves. Feel free to disagree, even if, especially if, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Let’s start off with a very emotion-packed subject, POLITICS. I happen to be a middle of the road Democrat, but right now I am a Disillusioned Democrat.
I voted for Obama because I saw him as the second coming of John F. Kennedy. Unfortunately his first term turned out to be a major disappointment and I got sick to my stomach. Aside from a few notable triumphs, he caved in to Nancy Pelosi and other Dems just as he caved into Boehner and to Romney in the debate.

 He caved into the Generals who advocated the “surge” in Afghanistan, when any casual reader of history knows that that country is just a quagmire for foreign intruders. If he had only put the power of the bully pulpit behind the compromise bill reached by Simpson-Bowles he could have built up a groundswell from the public to force action on this most important measure.
And when I saw Obama’s listless, almost disinterested performance on the first debate it left me with the impression that that was the real Obama who sat in the Oval office these past 3 plus years, not my Knight in shining armor. (Maybe he wasn't born in the United States.)

Surely, the Republicans, and particularly the Tea Party members, were more interested in obstructionism than compromise as the election drew nearer, but I believe if the President had taken his case to the people in a forceful manner (like Romney did in the first debate) he could have built a consensus for compromise and we could have avoided the fiscal cliff that now overhangs the nation.
So there you have my first OPINION Blog. Both the Dems and the Republicans have egg on their faces. 
This Congress has an even lower approval rating than that of Donald Trump’s hair stylist.

A pox on both their houses.

Future Blogs will cover my views on:

Religion (I’m an atheist),
Sex (I have a good memory),
Abortion (I can see merit in both views),
Quantum Physics (For sure)

I bet you can’t wait!

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