Thursday, October 25, 2012



     During the middle of the night I finally figured out why so many of the early viewers of my Blog came from Russia. At first I thought it was because of the piece I wrote about Trotsky and that perhaps Putin’s henchman were trying to see if I was a Bolshevik. Then I conjectured that it was because my father’s family came from Minsk in Russia and somehow grandpa’s relatives were trying to track me down.
     But when I was finally able to trace back one of the websites that “hit” upon my site and saw that it was a porn site offering to sell XXX-rated pictures and movies I realized that the Russians had used a sophisticated device to troll the Internet looking for potential customers for their porn to spam by identifying those that contained the opening page “Content Disclaimer” (as mine does) that:
            "The blog you are about to view may contain content suitable only for adults." 

     And so I've  eliminated the disclaimer from my Blog to keep the Russian porn merchants at bay. I had only included the introductory Content Disclaimer to try and drum up interest in my Blog and I wound up, "hoist on my own petard."    

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