Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Today marks an important milestone in the life of Earl's Pearls. In order to break up the monotony of my viewers having to read only my Pearl's of Wit and Wisdom, I have invited friends to contribute their thoughts to this Blog. Almost unanimously the invitees have refused, rather than having to be associated with this rag, but Alan Cohen has stepped forward and written the following pithy comments for your reading pleasure:

     Once upon a time in America there existed an unwritten social compact, viz., we, the people will overlook the shenanigans in Washington as long as we have upward economic mobility. 
   Unfortunately, the great recession coupled with the increased remoteness of our Washington representatives has left the system hopelessly broken with its attendant internal divisiveness. 
      If this compact cannot be restored it reflects poorly on the future of America for, as Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself can no longer stand." 
    The solution lies with the quiet wisdom of the common man---Vox Populi--- to open his heart and mind to diverse thought and to understand the needs and dreams of his neighbors because hateful invective is never a substitute for rational dialogue, and we well know where the former leads.

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